Friday, May 16, 2014

Finishing Strong!

May is upon us and we are still going strong! With the late Easter vacation this year, May seemed to be here before we knew it, but we are taking it in stride and working very hard.

In 7th grade math we are finishing chapter 10, which is a very important chapter for the foundation of Algebra 1 that they will be taking next year. They are doing SO well with this chapter that I am very optimistic about their ability to tackle Algebra 1 next year! We will be doing some more work with it before finishing off the chapter and moving on to our next and final chapter for the year.

In 8th grade math we are solidifying not only new objectives and ideas, but reviewing and making sure all of our years work is put to the test. It is nice to see them working so hard still, knowing how much this will help them next year in high school. I am very excited to see them finish and start again next year with the skills they have been practicing all year. We will be finishing up this last chapter and starting an all book review for a final test!

In 8th grade Bible we have started memorizing our graduation verses. This is no easy task and they have been doing very well remembering verses they recited in September. Also, with Spiritual Emphasis Week in May, we have been talking about our relationship with God. We have been getting into some good conversations about what it means to have a true, meaningful relationship with God, how to maintain and grow that relationship, and the importance of doing so. Watching these 8th grade students grow spiritually this year has been a blessing and I am so proud of the way they have stepped up this year in Bible. I am hoping that I can continue to see them grow and mentor them as they enter their high school years!

Well, we are finishing strong in all aspects and I cannot be happier. The students can see the finish line and they aren't letting up!